Monday 7 July 2014


I sit in my study silently: head-bowed, pensive and all alone on a pitch black, cold and wet December night sometime in the distant past. It is after midnight, the guard dogs are on the prowl and have long been released, the wind is blowing fiercely and it is pouring with rain outside. What a fearful and stormy night this is: it feels as if the elemental forces have unleashed their full power against we mortals and all the occupants of the earth. Such a sad, angry and lonely night.
Everyone in the house is fast asleep except for me. I sit back, meditate and reflect. My sadness almost overwhelms me as I think of the ugly events of the last few weeks and months. I ask myself, who was right and who was wrong? Where did the two of us go so badly wrong that we cannot even talk again or care to find out how one another are faring? Where did all the suspicion, bitterness and hurt suddenly spring from?
Where did it all start and when did our love suddenly end? Is it possible for love to turn to such deep hatred overnight? Can three years of love, friendship, fellowship, special moments and trust be wiped away by three months of doubt, betrayal, acrimony, deceit and a frenzy of blind rage, harsh words and mutual suspicion. All these thoughts race through my mind as the tears silently run down my cheeks on this lonely and stormy night.
My soul is deeply wounded and my spirit weeps and groans with pain. In truth my heart has been broken. Yes I too can talk about "this heart of mine". I too have a heart just like the one she often writes about in her short yet beautiful prose. And this heart of mine has been shattered into a thousand pieces.
All appears to be lost and there seems to be no longer any reason to live. Then suddenly and out of the blue I remember St. Barts. That distant West Indian island where it all began many years ago. I remember the white sands, the deep blue sea, the peaceful and empty beaches where no other soul could be heard or seen for many miles around. I remember the thousand stars that lit up the night, the bright and warm morning sun, the gentle breeze of the summer wind and the starch-white seagulls hovering to and fro: that was the beautiful paradise called St. Barts.
It was our island. It existed for just her and I. I remember the ecstasy that we both shared there. I remember the levels of passion that we attained. I remember how our souls touched with orgasmic pleasure. I remember that refreshing "La Vie En Rose" smile from this goddess of the Delta and this God-sent child. That smile that filled me with joy and made me throw back my head and roar with laughter. She brought passion, hope, strength and inspiration into my life. She ushered in a refreshing wave of blissful love and proved to me that I had every reason to live.
We made love on that beach over and over again and the light blue sky, the deep blue sea, the beautiful white sand, the twinkling stars and the bright yellow sun of St. Barts bore witness to our conjugal nights and our sacred union. This is a memory that I shall never forget and it is one that I shall cherish till the day that I die. The Lord may take La Vie En Rose away from me but He will never take away the joyous memories of our time together in St. Barts. Those memories alone wipe away the misery of this sad, lonely and stormy night.
Those memories alone are the evidence of the love that we once shared. Those memories alone are what shall give me strength and keep me going until I find love again. Those memories alone are what will sustain me through the darkest hours of each lonely night. Those memories alone will give me the courage to move on and live my life without La Vie En Rose by my side. I love you, O God sent child. I always will. And one day we shall return to St. Barts and have one more night of making love on that beautiful beach under the light of the moon and a thousand stars.
One day we shall return to our island and enjoy one last night of unrestrained pleasure and passion where our bodies, souls and spirits will be as one again. One day we shall return to our dream and on that day we shall look into each others eyes and once again roar with laughter as if we had no care in the world and as if there were no tomorrow. I thank God for the time we shared at St. Barts and I thank Him for the three beautiful, tumultuos, temptestuos and delightful years that I spent with La Vie En Rose. She was vivacious, fresh and effervescent. She had more passion and drive than anyone that I had ever met. For her the sky was the limit and no-one could hold her down.
She was our very own Khaleesi, the Mother of Dragons. She was our Helen of Troy whom men could not resist. She was our Cleopatra for whom kings gave away their kingdoms. She was our very own Calypso for whom mortals gave away their liberty and souls. She was our Mermidan Queen, a princess of the southern seas and a goddess of the Delta. She was wild and free. She was indeed the God-sent child.


The USA's Transport Security Administration (TSA) has announced new, 'enhanced security measures' that will require mobile phones to be fully-charged before taken aboard international flights to the nation.
The new requirement is simple. As explained here , the new arrangements will mean that 'During the security examination, officers may also ask that owners power up some devices, including cell phones. Powerless devices will not be permitted onboard the aircraft.'
Secretary for Homeland Security Jeh Johnson says, in his own statement that testing mobile devices is necessary because his department ' continually assesses the global threat environment and reevaluates the measures we take to promote aviation security.' The re-evaluation has led to the new test.
The tests won't be take place at every airport. Instead, ' certain overseas airports with direct flights to the United States' will conduct the checks.
The TSA hasn't revealed which airports will conduct the checks, but the BBC reports London's Heathrow is on the list.
It's not clear what devices other than cell phones will be investigated, but Vulture South imagines even external hard drives could come under the eye of security officers given fakes filled with little more than bolts and glue have been found in some parts of the world.

Incorporating ICT into Nigerian education system

As the world order is reaching or experiencing consistent technological landmarks every moment, Information Communication Technology (ICT) and digital literacy are now integral parts of individuals, corporate or institutional existence. Like never before, the need for digital literacy has become an essential aspect of education.  Digital literacy could be defined as the ability to use digital technology (computer), communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information; understand and use information in multiple formats (aspects) from a wide range of sources when presented through computers; and a person’s ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment.
A digitally literate person should be able to use technology strategically to seek, find, collate, organize, disseminate, and evaluate information; connect and collaborate with others, produce and share original content, and use the Internet and technology tools to achieve many personal, corporate and professional goals.
In the process of digital literacy, vibrant  knowledge is acquired through instructions in the Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3) in relevant curriculum globally designed and accepted as a means of placing the recipient on competitive advantage in his/her choice of career. By definition IC3 is the acronym and registered trademark of the “Internet and Computing Core Certification.” It is a global certification program that is designed to certify an individual’s digital literacy skills in line with the fundamental of computer and Internet use. It is the first computer certification to be recognized by the National Skill Standards Board (NSSB).
Certiport Incorporation, an American ICT outfit has been in the lead in IC3 since 1997. Its  main goal is to validate basic computer skills and knowledge through performance-based testing in IC3 credential; provide official Microsoft Office certification programs;  Microsoft Technology Associate certification program;  Adobe Certified Associate certification program; Autodesk Certified User program;  CompTIA Strata IT Fundamentals etc.
The Global Digital Literacy Council has committed years of hard work and dedication to design, create and define the new IC3 Standards. The official signing of this new IC³ Standard took place in August 2008. This significant occasion marked the next evolution in the continuous improvement and updating of the Internet and Computing Core Certification program. IC3 designed by Certiport addresses the need for a globally recognized and accepted standard of basic computing knowledge to be considered essential to academic learning and a minimum requirement for employment in various professions.
For the standard of education in Nigeria to be universally relevant and professionally competitive, it is important for all stakeholders to encourage and embrace IC3. It should be integrated as a core programme in the school’s curricula at the secondary, tertiary and, indeed, all levels of education in the country. IC3 certification is awarded on three separate exams. These are Computing Fundamentals,
Key Applications, and Living Online. Schools in the United States of America, USA, have integrated IC3 into vocational-technical education and secondary school education, thereby providing students to become IC3 certified upon completion of the three exams. IC3 has also gained acceptance in Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America etc. in education, vocational/technical schools and colleges; and government workforce development (capacity building) program.
Based on extensive research, IC3 reflects the foundational skills needed to excel in virtually all career fields and academic pursuits requiring computer proficiency. The objectives are, to understand and use computer hardware; navigate and configure an operating system; use common computer application programs and navigate and use the Internet. The benefits of IC3 have been identified to include,
industry-recognized certification for basic computer literacy; validates job knowledge and skills and provide a base-line measurement for job performance. The Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3) program is designed to provide the skills needed for the basic use of computer hardware, software, networks, and the Internet. It provides a starting point for anyone interested in computer and Internet basics.
As the nation braces up to make its curricula relevant in order to meet global standard, it is expedient and urgent to equip teachers and students at all levels of education with the knowledge and skill of IC3. IC3 is used as a gateway for advancement in education, employment, or other certification programs.  As a result, it should be infused into our education system on national spectrum; every state is expected
to promote its acquisition among teachers and students as essential skills in line with international standards. According to renowned education technology consultant, Dr. Niran Oyekale, IC3 will prepare the country’s graduates to be creative and thrive in self employment. Indeed, to cope with the digital age as well as with the challenges of the 21st century; every student should be equipped with IC3 to be able to have versatile and innovative mindsets. This is the new direction that education is taking globally and we must not be left behind.
It is in order to tap into the immense benefits which IC3 offers that the Lagos State Government has been making concerted efforts to incorporate it into the state’s education curricula. Consequently, the states in EKO Project, Teachers Establishment Pension Office (TEPO), Lagos State Education Resource Centre (LASERC) and Lagos State Technical Vocational Education Board (LASTVEB) have been strategically positioned to improve and enhance teachers’ capacity on IC3 in order to place education in the state on higher pedestal. It is, however, vital that teachers and students are eager and readily prepared to take advantage of the state government’s IC3 initiatives.
In order to bring about a significant increase in teachers and students’ engagement in digital education , schools across the country need to ensure that students are aware about the frequently developing nature of the knowledge economy and that learning does not stop once basic education is completed. Equally, public and private schools need to be more equipped with IC3 related tools in order to help both teachers and students to become more adapted to the changing face of global education. It is only in doing this that the country can actually benefit from the enormous benefit possibilities of digital education.


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